
Coca Cola Says Fizzy Drinks not Responsible for Obesity
Conor Duffy
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
September 4, 2006

ELEANOR HALL: 3,000 experts on the world's epidemic of fat have descended on Sydney today to discuss the latest research on obesity.

But before the congress even got underway there was breakfast, brought to you by the Coca Cola corporation.

And the soft drink giant has its own scientist on the floor of the congress too. Doctor John Foreyt, who admits to receiving funding from Coca Cola, will tell the conference that fizzy drinks have been victimised in the debate.

Conor Duffy prepared this report.

CONOR DUFFY: The spiralling consumption of high-sugar, high-energy soft drinks has been a hot topic in the world of obesity research, and particularly regarding the spread of weight gain among teenagers.

But now the soft drink industry is hitting back with its own science.

Among the 3,000 experts meeting in Sydney for a world congress on the international obesity epidemic is the American Dr John Foreyt.

Chaperoned by Coca Cola company representatives as the conference opened today, Dr Foreyt will address the congress about what he's learnt in his time at the Behavioural Medicines Research Centre in Houston, Texas.

In short, Dr Foreyt says soft drinks have copped too much criticism in the war on fat.

JOHN FOREYT: I think the answer to really looking at a healthy lifestyle is balance and variety and moderation, and any time you pick out a single culprit you're going to really be in trouble, because, you know, obesity and health risks are all associated with multiple factors.

CONOR DUFFY: And Dr Foreyt is dismissive of research suggesting that as much as half the 300 excess calories Americans consume every day come from sweetened drinks.

JOHN FOREYT: Well, calories are calories are calories, so you want to look at balance, and if people are getting their calories from one source, too many calories, people can get in trouble, but that caloric source can be anything. So you really have to look at your overall diet. I think that's still the bottom line.

CONOR DUFFY: But Dr Foreyt isn't just an independent researcher. He freely admits his links to the Beverage Institute, which is funded by Coca Cola, and laughs off suggestions his presence at the conference could be likened to a tobacco industry representative at a lung cancer meeting.

JOHN FOREYT: (Laughs) Oh, absolutely not. No, No. I think the bottom line for most people, they're very reasonable, they have good judgement and commonsense, which means balance and variety and moderation in all things, including diet and physical activity.

CONOR DUFFY: Susie Burrel from the Dieticians Association of Australia agrees that the food industry has a role at the conference, but says sugary drinks are a major problem in the battle against the bulge.

SUSIE BURREL: It's an important factor we do target in weight management. So we do try and limit them, we do refer to sugar-sweetened drinks as occasional party-type foods. They're not everyday foods, particularly for children, and they're one aspect that we do target.

CONOR DUFFY: The Director of the Australasian Society for the study of obesity, Tim Gill, says industry-sponsored research is becoming far too common. He says companies are using it to muddy the waters on obesity debates.

TIM GILL: Companies have been able to bring together a panel of experts whose views suit their particular promotional needs, and so that's always a degree of concern. That's not necessarily to reflect badly on the individuals who give those presentations, because quite often, you know, they have an honest belief that that's the case.

But when you've got a lot of money and you're able to get together the right sort of panel and, more importantly, promote the information they're presenting, what it tends to do is confuse a picture where there is generally a degree of consensus.

And I think soft drinks is one of those areas where there's pretty much a consensus that soft drinks have been a major contributor to the increased calorie intake, particularly amongst teenagers, and that there's a huge potential to address this problem by reducing soft drink intake.

ELEANOR HALL: And that's the Director of the Australian Society for the Study of Obesity, Tim Gill, ending that report from Connor Duffy.

And Dr Gill will also be at that week-long obesity congress, along with scientists funded by Coca Cola.

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